The Heart of the Dream - Robert Gongloff

About Robert P. Gongloff



Robert’s background in dream work is varied. He has been involved with the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) for over 28 years. Through this organization, he has enjoyed the benefit of multidiscipline dream work expertise from around the world. He has served as IASD secretary, board chair, and president, and has hosted three international dream conferences.  He has also served on the IASD board of directors and hosted three international dream conferences. He is a graduate of the two-year Dream Leader Training program offered by The Haden Institute in Charlotte. It was here that he gained much of his knowledge of Jungian archetypes. He was ordained through Sancta Sophia Seminary in Oklahoma's modern day wisdom school. The seminary opened his eyes to the relationships between dreams, astrology, and the ancient wisdom teachings.


Robert has a Master of Arts degree in guidance and counseling from Wayne State University in Detroit. He has also completed a year of Ph.D. level work in spiritual studies.


As early as 1970, He was organizing and leading dream discussion groups. His first was when he was serving with the United States Air Force in Turkey. Since then, he has conducted workshops on dreams in the Metropolitan D.C. area and in North Carolina. He designed a four-part mini course on dreams, which was well received in Asheville, NC. It was in these courses and workshops that he fully realized the importance of themes in the dream work process and the need for formal guidelines on the subject. He has found that themes are the most misunderstood aspect of dream work.


Robert is co-editor of the IASD book, Dreams that Change Our Lives, and the second volume of Dreams: Understanding Biology, Psychology, and Culture. He lives in Málaga, Spain.


Robert can be reached at

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Robert P. Gongloff
Copyright  Joye Ardyn Durham